Photography: Matteo Dal Lago, Nicole Marnati
©Nicole Marnati
Fast forward' is a collaboration beetwen a man, a 3D scanner and a 3D printer. |
Wood blocks construction, modularity and potentiality |
3D printed close-up |
With a real motivation to connect crafts and industrial process, critical thinking seemed to be key for the understanding and development of new and innovative ways.
©Nicole Marnati
Any 3 dimensional shape can be created with the use of modular building blocks designed by Matteo. In this step, he can stack blocks together and create temporary shapes as a kind of live prototyping.
Now the shape is scanned with the help of a 3D scanner, which essentially creates a digital version of the construction.
This step give possibility to quickly save all created of the prototypes in the previous step creating a kind of digital 'library' of shapes and possibilities.
Furthermore, having a digital version of that shape allows to scale it up or down in any direction with a software. Through this step the construction can be now as big as the designer desires.
Here the shape is brought to its final size. A small shelf becomes a real size shelf. |
The last part of the process is taken by an XL robot 3D printer. This printer can print large objects at once with many types of plastic, recycled plastic as well. Now the digital file scaled to the right size is sent to the 3D printer which will print it out with astonishing speed.
Fast Forward is a designing and production process which reveals the real language of these technologies while being fair to the use of them and their materials.